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Early Childhood Development: Spotlight on Honduras
Jan 9, 2015

One of ChildFund’s signature programs is Early Childhood Development, which focuses on children’s first five years. It’s the most important time in a person’s life, determining what a child will accomplish in school, in his or her career and what these children will pass on to their own children.Before turning 5, a child’s motor skills, problem-solving ability, language and self-control are all well-defined. ECD centres help give children who are living in poverty a better chance to reach their potential. In Honduras, ChildFund’s Lylli Moya took some photos at two ECD centres so you can see what happens inside.  


Learning begins with developmentally and age-appropriate practices

Learning begins with developmentally and age-appropriate practices

Honduras Preschool

Honduras Preschool


Preschool children in ADACAR

Preschool children in ADACAR

Rachel, 3 years old doing the early stimulation exercises

Rachel, 3 years old doing the early stimulation exercises

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