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Let’s fight for a world where children are Free From Violence!
Sep 4, 2014

World leaders are deciding right now what their global priorities will be when the Millennium Development Goals end in 2015. Those goals did not include keeping children free from violence and exploitation.

This issue cannot be ignored for another generation. Right now, almost half of all children around the globe experience some form of physical violence before they reach the age of eight years. Almost 170 million children are involved in child labour; half of which are found in hazardous labour. In a year alone, 150 million girls and 73 million boys are raped or subject to sexual violence.

We cannot let this continue. ChildFund Alliance is calling on all Government leaders around the world to ensure that the new development goals include special protections for children. We want a world where all children are free from violence and exploitation.

If you believe that children should be #FreeFromViolence, join our campaign and add your name to the thousands who want to create a better and safer world for children.

Sign our petition: http://freefromviolence.org/take-action/

Help spread the word: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/15556-free-from-violence

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